Me in Easyjet Magazine: Quoted on Bitcoin

Regional Bitcoin equivalents have popped up in Iceland, Czech Republic, Spain and Greece, all this year, created in the hope of bolstering local economies. It’s not uncommon for such ‘community currencies’ to emerge in difficult times –  when traditional currencies fail

NEF Blog: Why Bitcoin hasn’t changed finance – yet

Last week I was invited to talk about Bitcoin and the future of money at the Sibos conference in Boston, an annual get-together of the payment systems industry: the people working in between your bank account and that of anyone you buy from. This is a gigantic, profitable and globally established sector – but at […]

Interview: The Guardian – Bitcoin

Bitcoin is having its moment but there are better sustainable currencies The crypto currency’s liberating features are undone by its susceptibility to fraud. With other options out there, Bitcoin may not be the best bet. Bitcoin suffers two other major downsides, neither of them headline-grabbers

News: World First Uni BTC Payment

See various media coverage about my Bitcoin payment of university fees in: The Daily Mail CoinTelegraph Uni Cumbria Press Release Coinreport Lanceshire Evening Post Lanceshire Magazine   All done live from my mobile phone while speaking on stage during a currency panel at the QuiShare Fest in Paris (in the picture left to right: Prof […]