(Below is the abstract from my 2021 paper – reporting part of the findings of my PhD – published in Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14(2), 55) “External shocks, like the climate catastrophe or the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as intrinsic fallacies like the securitization of bad debt leading up to the financial crisis […]
(Abstract from a 2021 paper reporting part of the PhD findings. Published in Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14(2), 55) “External shocks, like the climate catastrophe or the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as intrinsic fallacies like the securitization of bad debt leading up to the financial crisis in 2008, point to the need for […]
“Zero is where the real fun starts” is a think piece written for the TEESnet conference 2016 in Liverpool – by Katie Carr (CDEC) and myself. Download the article as part of the conference proceedings, pages 49-60, here. …from the introduction: In this paper, we propose that the dominance of quantifiable measurable phenomena over […]
Launched by Mark Herpel in 2009 and later curated by a team around Matthew Slater the CCMagazine has been published until 2011 as a free and voluntarily run communication channel for the complementary currency scene and its wider stakeholder communities – in the editor’s words “to see the disparate parts of the complementary currency movement […]

Presentation on invitation of the Mondragon research institute Lanki

Regional Bitcoin equivalents have popped up in Iceland, Czech Republic, Spain and Greece, all this year, created in the hope of bolstering local economies. It’s not uncommon for such ‘community currencies’ to emerge in difficult times – when traditional currencies fail

Last week I was invited to talk about Bitcoin and the future of money at the Sibos conference in Boston, an annual get-together of the payment systems industry: the people working in between your bank account and that of anyone you buy from. This is a gigantic, profitable and globally established sector – but at […]
εὔδηλοςy/endilos = quite clear, manifest, e.g.: εὔδηλός [ἐστι] ποιῶν = all may see him doing; opposite to: κρυπτός/cryptos = hidden, secret Here you are then, thank you for allowing me to put this opportunity into your hands. You see, it is just a little black box, nothing special about it on the outside. It looks craftily […]