(Below is the abstract from my 2021 paper – reporting part of the findings of my PhD – published in Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14(2), 55) “External shocks, like the climate catastrophe or the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as intrinsic fallacies like the securitization of bad debt leading up to the financial crisis […]
“Zero is where the real fun starts” is a think piece written for the TEESnet conference 2016 in Liverpool – by Katie Carr (CDEC) and myself. Download the article as part of the conference proceedings, pages 49-60, here. …from the introduction: In this paper, we propose that the dominance of quantifiable measurable phenomena over […]

This article of mine was published in the Guardian Sustainable Business Section on July 15th 2015, read the original article here. The emergence of peer-to-peer lending, fintech and new forms of currencies mean people and businesses can act on their dissatisfaction with the big banks. Dissatisfaction with the banking sector over the last decade […]

Last week I was invited to talk about Bitcoin and the future of money at the Sibos conference in Boston, an annual get-together of the payment systems industry: the people working in between your bank account and that of anyone you buy from. This is a gigantic, profitable and globally established sector – but at […]
εὔδηλοςy/endilos = quite clear, manifest, e.g.: εὔδηλός [ἐστι] ποιῶν = all may see him doing; opposite to: κρυπτός/cryptos = hidden, secret Here you are then, thank you for allowing me to put this opportunity into your hands. You see, it is just a little black box, nothing special about it on the outside. It looks craftily […]

(Photo credit: Jonathan Combe) On currency, the vibrant Scottish independence debate has got stuck in a rut. Whether or not Britain will share the sterling is an emotive subject. But it also begs the question of why – in a creative, digitally advanced and regionally diverse society – the strength of an economy should […]

Now four years old, Bitcoin is the celebrity of the complementary currencies world. It is currently trading at over $800 after two US senate committee fact-finding sessions heard last week. Political opinion is still divided, but for those investing in Bitcoin as an asset, any government recognition is good news. It perhaps says more about […]

Time banking, business-to-business currencies, local payment schemes: community currencies such as these are rapidly rising to prominence in the wake of the financial crisis, in Europe and elsewhere.