NEF Blog: What is the value of Bitcoin?

Now four years old, Bitcoin is the celebrity of the complementary currencies world. It is currently trading at over $800 after two US senate committee fact-finding sessions heard last week. Political opinion is still divided, but for those investing in Bitcoin as an asset, any government recognition is good news. It perhaps says more about […]

TV: BBC – Beyond Bitcoin

  I was invited on BBC World News to discuss the positive potential of currency innovations yesterday. In light of this week’s US Senate debates on the regulation of Bitcoin, it’s important to look at the wider picture and consider how other new currencies, including digital retail barter platforms, timebanks and local money schemes, have clear and open goals to […]

Update: Talente Austria / Swiss City to launch Time Care Currency

The Swiss city of St. Gallen has aproved the designs for a time saving currency, geard to tackel the growing (financial) problem of elder care. The proposals comes from the neighbouring Talente Currencies in Vorarlberg, Austria (see earlier article here), where time savings could not be implemenented by governmental bodies because of legal and regulatory […]

“Talente” Currencies in Vorarlberg, Austria

Founded in 1996 as a timebank for the whole of the westernmost austrian province/state of Vorarlberg, the Talente System ( is now one of the most successful and innovative grass-root currency systems in operation. (Update 2014: The efforts are now carried forward by the social enterprise Allmenda: Always rooted in practice rather then theory, […]

The Ven – From Karma to Carbon

Sporting a plethora of brilliant attributes and a track record of several world firsts in the sphere of new currencies, the Ven has been an issue of inspiration and discussion far afield. As with most currencies, user stories often illuminate as much of the currency design and mechanisms as driving a car illuminates about engineering. […]

Dual currency pilot at HUB Brussels, 2010-2012

This is the introductory text published on and about an community exchange platform implemented at the HUB Brussels in 2010. With the closure of the HUB Brussels this pilot has been discontinued. A funding applications for the scaling and further development of the ideas from can be downloaded here(May 2010). Let´s build our Hub community, […]