(Below is the abstract from my 2021 paper – reporting part of the findings of my PhD – published in Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14(2), 55) “External shocks, like the climate catastrophe or the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as intrinsic fallacies like the securitization of bad debt leading up to the financial crisis […]
Launched by Mark Herpel in 2009 and later curated by a team around Matthew Slater the CCMagazine has been published until 2011 as a free and voluntarily run communication channel for the complementary currency scene and its wider stakeholder communities – in the editor’s words “to see the disparate parts of the complementary currency movement […]

Designing, developing & delivering community currencies Written together with my New Economics Foundation colleagues Alice Martin and Duncan McCann. Money holds many mysteries. Where does it come from? How did it evolve? Who creates it and controls it? Why do we never seem to have enough? People Powered Money helps to unravel the mysteries behind […]

Complementary currencies: money as a social technology are emerging world-wide “Currencies are unit systems that facilitate collaboration in a community,” according to Leander Bindewald project manager of the EU Interreg project Community Currencies in Action (CCIA.eu)

The Community Currency Knowledge Gateway was build for the Community Currencies in Action (CCIA) project. As the project manager of CCIA for the New Economics Foundation, I developed the strategy, content architecture and layout of the website, procured and liaised with the web-developers (WordPress with WPML) and authored and edited large parts of the initial […]

(Photo credit: Jonathan Combe) On currency, the vibrant Scottish independence debate has got stuck in a rut. Whether or not Britain will share the sterling is an emotive subject. But it also begs the question of why – in a creative, digitally advanced and regionally diverse society – the strength of an economy should […]

Back-up currencies: the solution to our euro woes? This article of mine first appeared on The Guardian’s Comment is Free section One currency seems not to be able to serve every human need alone. When the money dries up, people go hungry and sleep rough, factories lay idle, and the fabric of society starts to […]

While the Brixton Pound and bitcoin are both alternative currencies that don’t rely on the Bank of England, they attract users for different reasons. “In reality, bitcoin tends to appeal to a very different crowd. Local currencies are all about building community ties, whereas bitcoin