Launched by Mark Herpel in 2009 and later curated by a team around Matthew Slater the CCMagazine has been published until 2011 as a free and voluntarily run communication channel for the complementary currency scene and its wider stakeholder communities – in the editor’s words “to see the disparate parts of the complementary currency movement […]

This interview appeared in the Community Currency Magazine (archive link), April 2012 While Madison, Wisconsin had been more in the news for their public struggle against right wing legislators last year, Dane County TimeBank has been constantly setting benchmarks for successful currency-led community developments. We talked to its founder, director and senior activist Stephanie […]

Parts of this interview appeared in the Community Currency Magazine (archive link), April 2012 What are the questions you would most want to explore with fellow movers and shakers in the complementary currency movement? My question is: How to get the currency thinking into the mainstream? But more then talking, I prefer to create examples […]

Dieses Interview erschien im Community Currency Magazine (archive link), im April 2012 Die wichtigsten Themen in der KW Bewegung sind Fragen der praktischen Ausübung. Sowie im Talente System in Vorarlberg als auch im Regiogeld Verband sind wir momentan darauf ausgerichtet den Schwerpunkt weg von der Wissenschaft und hin zur praktischen Umsetzung zu vollziehen.

This interview appeared in the Community Currency Magazine (archive link), April 2012 John Rogers has been working on the forefront of the CC movement for nineteen years, fourteen as a LETS coordinator, Time Bank Developer and researcher in Wales and since 2007 as a trainer, consultant and author based in Germany. There, we asked John […]

This interview appeared in the Community Currency Magazine (archive link), Oct 2011 The western most province of Austria, Vorarlberg, is home to the reputable “Talente” currency system. From its start as a province-wide timebank in 1996 it succeeded to combine different targeted currency models and even got the local authorities to accept some of them […]

This interview appeared in the Community Currency Magazine (archive link), Oct 2011 1. What are the questions you would most want to explore with fellow movers and shakers in the complementary currency movement? The comparability of local currencies with digital currency. Systems of intertrade and clearance, between all these currencies with standards of confederation to […]