Interview: The Guardian – Bitcoin

Bitcoin is having its moment but there are better sustainable currencies The crypto currency’s liberating features are undone by its susceptibility to fraud. With other options out there, Bitcoin may not be the best bet. Bitcoin suffers two other major downsides, neither of them headline-grabbers

News: World First Uni BTC Payment

See various media coverage about my Bitcoin payment of university fees in: The Daily Mail CoinTelegraph Uni Cumbria Press Release Coinreport Lanceshire Evening Post Lanceshire Magazine   All done live from my mobile phone while speaking on stage during a currency panel at the QuiShare Fest in Paris (in the picture left to right: Prof […]

The Guardian – CCs and Greece

Back-up currencies: the solution to our euro woes? This article of mine first appeared on The Guardian’s Comment is Free section One currency seems not to be able to serve every human need alone. When the money dries up, people go hungry and sleep rough, factories lay idle, and the fabric of society starts to […]

NEF Research: No Small Change

Evaluation the success of your community currency project. Written with my NEF colleague Susan Steed. Download the full PDF here. This handbook has been designed by the New Economics Foundation (NEF), on behalf of the Community Currencies in Action (CCIA) EU Interreg IVB NWE Programme, project, to inspire community currency (CC) organisers and help them […]