(Below is the abstract from my 2021 paper – reporting part of the findings of my PhD – published in Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14(2), 55) “External shocks, like the climate catastrophe or the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as intrinsic fallacies like the securitization of bad debt leading up to the financial crisis […]
(Abstract from a 2021 paper reporting part of the PhD findings. Published in Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14(2), 55) “External shocks, like the climate catastrophe or the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as intrinsic fallacies like the securitization of bad debt leading up to the financial crisis in 2008, point to the need for […]
“Zero is where the real fun starts” is a think piece written for the TEESnet conference 2016 in Liverpool – by Katie Carr (CDEC) and myself. Download the article as part of the conference proceedings, pages 49-60, here. …from the introduction: In this paper, we propose that the dominance of quantifiable measurable phenomena over […]
Launched by Mark Herpel in 2009 and later curated by a team around Matthew Slater the CCMagazine has been published until 2011 as a free and voluntarily run communication channel for the complementary currency scene and its wider stakeholder communities – in the editor’s words “to see the disparate parts of the complementary currency movement […]
July 2015 – ongoing: Web-administration and content-managment
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
It was one of those days, Where its a minute away from snowing and there was this electricity in the air – you can almost hear it, right!? And this bag was just dancing with me, like a little kid begging me to play with it for 15 minutes. That’s the day I realized that […]

This article of mine was published in the Guardian Sustainable Business Section on July 15th 2015, read the original article here. The emergence of peer-to-peer lending, fintech and new forms of currencies mean people and businesses can act on their dissatisfaction with the big banks. Dissatisfaction with the banking sector over the last decade […]