Illustrating the distinction made beteen the terms “money” and “currency” in another article on this site, this Prezi-tation by Arthur Brock of the Metacurrency project offers a good segue into the next distinction of value and wealth:
Trying to explain what complementary currencies “really” are, leads to different answers depending on who askes and who answers. Even getting the basics laid out, like “what is money?” and “what is a currency?” seems to produce conflicting answers by different prominent actors in this young discipline. Without drilling into other troublesome discourses of terminology that […]

by Marc Brakken (University of Wisconsin), Preston Austin (, Stephanie Rearick (DCTB) , Leander Bindewald This was published in the IJCCR in 2012, download from here Abstract Wealth is limited. We propose that value is infinite. Any currency isolates certain forms of value to transform into wealth, but those other forms of value remain even as they are […]
The research on “an animal model for AD/HD – the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat – and control strains”, written up in this thesis was conducted at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2006/07. The title of Diplombiologe (equ. Master of Science) was awarded by the University of Freiburg, Germany. Download the thesis as PDF here. […]