RSA Animate — Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.
Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.
(Liedtext siehe unten) (Lyrics in english) Erobique & Jacques Palminger (Album: Songs for Joy) “Wann strahlst Du?” Ich liebe die Träumer, die Aufbruchsgeister, die überall Samen erkennen, die Fehlschläge nicht zu ernst nehmen und immer das Gute benennen. Nicht die, die die Zukunft auswendig kennen, Begeisterung als Naivität anschauen und dir ihre altbekannten Ängste, als […]
(Lyrics below)(Original Liedtext) Erobique & Jacques Palminger (Album: Songs for Joy) What makes you shine? I love the dreamers, the pioneering spirits, who recognize seeds everywhere they turn who don´t take failure too seriously and always acknowledge the positive. Not those who already know the future by heart and regard enthusiasm as naivety. Not those […]

This interview appeared in the Community Currency Magazine (archive link), Oct 2011 The western most province of Austria, Vorarlberg, is home to the reputable “Talente” currency system. From its start as a province-wide timebank in 1996 it succeeded to combine different targeted currency models and even got the local authorities to accept some of them […]

This interview appeared in the Community Currency Magazine (archive link), Oct 2011 1. What are the questions you would most want to explore with fellow movers and shakers in the complementary currency movement? The comparability of local currencies with digital currency. Systems of intertrade and clearance, between all these currencies with standards of confederation to […]