Coinstatt/fairventure (Germany)

2010 – 2014: Partner and project developer, Fairventure Congress.

fairventure-logoThe Coinstatt-Akademie, initiated by Peter Krause, aims to connect ideas and people en-route to the community economy of the future. Complementary currencies and new economic and organizational models are the at the core of our curricula.
In the Coinstatt book “Anders”, you find my article on complementary currency as social technology (in german only).

In June 2012 the Coinstatt-Academy organized the first fairventure congress in Leipzig, Germany and developed and piloted teaching modules and learning material for schools.

Others members of the Coinstatt Academy were: Peter Krause-Keusemann (Initiator), John Rogers (Value for People, co-author of “People Money”), Otmar Donnenberg, and Jens Martignoni (