Presentation: UNRISD Roundtable

To listen to the presentation click here or on the logos above or access it through the UNRISD website The presented working paper can be accessed on the UNRISD website and it was published in the IJCCR in 2015

Essay: Istanbul New City Reader

Read the full article as published here. When talking about changing the world it is becoming a main stream notion that a good place to start is the economy. And when talking about changing the economy its not an insider idea anymore that our monetary regimes are the best place to start on that on. […]

NEF Research: Energising Money

An introduction to energy currencies and accounting. Written by my future NEF colleagues Josh Ryan-Collins and Tony Greeham, and my colleague in Berlin at the time Ludwig Schuster. Download the full PDF here. Modern interest-bearing bank-debt money creates the illusion of exponentially growing wealth and an unceasing demand for economic growth and/or inflation. In return, […]

“Representational Charge”, Amendment 1

Thanks to feedback from Bernard Lietaer, Marco Sachy and Gael van Weyenbergh and learning from Thomas Greco during his UK tour in November 2012, I would like to change the proposed structure of the “Representational Charge” dimension as follows (original article here). The unit of account (as the only necessary and for some currencies sufficient […]

Currency typology: The Trusted Third Party

A reminder from the Natural History Museum in London: “There are many ways of organise things. But while there are no correct and incorrect ways of classifying them, some are more useful than others. Would you sort these by age? Shape? Colour? Beauty? Value?”   Often complementary currencies seem to be treated like the contents […]

Interview: IPS Local Money Sets Its Own Stamp

“But I am not sure that what some people today see as the global renaissance of complementary currencies should be attributed to the global crisis,” Bindewald says. “Other factors like lower transaction costs through technological advancements and a more networked society contribute too.” Read full article here:

Currency Typology – exploring the “Representational Charge” dimension

Trying to understand complementary currency often comes down to trying to sort them into a typology. Many attempts have been made towards that (see for example Blanc, Martignoni, Lietaer/Kennedy/Rogers) but none has so far satisfied theory and practice. This article won´t fill this gap, but explores the matter propaedeutically from the traditional perspective of the […]